So, So What? I’m Still a Rock Star

*Brief political commentary! Beware!

I just want to share that I am, in fact, disappointed with the result of the presidential election. I spent several hours dwelling on it, and worrying, and being irritated. However, I am quickly reverting to my usual state of “I don’t much care”, and as the true optimist that I am, will hope that this does not all end in tears.

I would also like to add, for the 30 seconds more that I have given myself to care, that I think the electoral college business is seriously out-dated and no longer necessary.

Oh, and my state voted to legalize pot. Erm…whatever, on that one.

On an unrelated note, Mr. E has taken to “helping” me like a duck to water. Whenever I change his diaper, he now says, “Want? Help!” Which means he wants to hold something for me until we’ve got a dry diaper on him. He can also pick up his toys when I ask him to; about three of them make it into the toy box before he starts taking others out.

We’ve also started having drawing time a couple times a day. I give him paper and colored pens (crayons get eaten), and he makes the prettiest scribbles I ever saw. Of COURSE he’s an artist in the making. Although, it would be nice if he would stop putting the pen in his ear and turning his ear lobes pink or blue.

He does his best work surrounded by a mess- crumbs from his snack, apple juice, and of course his phone must be handy.

On yet another unrelated note, Clint and I got a start on putting Christmas lights up outside last weekend. On Sunday night, we turned them on and took E outside on the porch, where he spent the next half hour running from one end to the other yelling “light”, “wow”, and “yay”.

And, last and probably least, our kitten, Princess Zelda, has somehow gotten a noodle stuck in her fur on her back, and it’s been there for the last five hours. I don’t know where it came from, and I don’t know why she’s leaving it there.

So, this is my life lately. Not exciting, but I kind of like it.