Warning: Explosive!

I think it might be a good idea for me to slap a sticker on my forehead, warning others that I am currently very highly-strung, majorly combustible, easily provoked, and being plain old bitchy. Is there a good word for all that?

Oh, right- “Explosive”.

Yeah, you might want to back away now. Slowly. And don’t look me directly in the eye.

Poor Clint is getting all the absolute worst of my terrible mood swings in the last few weeks. I don’t remember having them this badly when I was pregnant with E, and I’m hoping that the intensity of these mood swings isn’t a sign that our little girl is going to be a major drama queen.

On the other hand…what little girl isn’t a drama queen?

The other night, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep on the living room floor- yeah, the hard wood floor, the one I am barely able to get up from when I’ve just been sitting there. The weird part? I was extremely comfortable there, until such time as Clint hollered at me because I was snoring and he couldn’t hear The Hills Have Eyes 2 over it (is that a movie that’s really worth listening to? I mean, I was sort of listening without watching, and I had no idea what was going on, so the screaming can’t have been important to the story…right?).

Then, once I’d managed to separate myself from the spot on the floor, we went to bed. At which point my anger kicked in, and after nearly half an hour of listening to me yell, Clint informed me I should be on Xanax.

Well! I had every reason to be cheesed off!

1. My left hip (the one I generally sleep on) has been doing this lovely thing where the bones grind together when I move. If I’m standing when it happens, I just about keel over. This makes it a bit difficult to ever be truly comfortable, even when lying down.

2. Clint was too close. Really. He was lying on HALF OF MY PILLOW! It’s MINE, you hear me? MINE! And I do not share pillows. Pillows are precious to me. BACK OFF!

3. Clint was too close. He was lying in the center of the king-sized bed. His knee touched me. His arm was on me. His toe touched my foot. Oh, HELL no. BACK OFF!

4. Clint was too close. He was in the same room. BACK OFF!

5. I tried to explain why I was so tired:

a) I’m growing a baby

b) I spend about 10 hours a day alone with a toddler

c) My sleep is interrupted every single night by a combination/sometimes all of the following reasons-

*My bladder is full

*I’ve been snoring and Clint has to make me roll over

*I have sudden heartburn and have to take something

*Mr. E has woken up crying

*Princess Zelda is trying to eat me

*Princess Zelda is destroying the house

*Princess Zelda is knocking toys down the wooden stairs

*I’m thirsty

*Clint’s alarm has gone off four times

*Princess Zelda is making the other two cats hiss at her

*I’ve drooled in one spot so much I wake up afraid I’m drowning

I figure that on an average night (average for the last two or three weeks, anyway), I’m waking up at least five times a night. It’s really tempting to wake Clint up with me every time, but in the light of day, this idea is irrational and not worth the effort. I’ve also been tempted to kill Clint when he’s asleep, just because he IS asleep and I’m not…but again, in the light of day, I reject this plan based solely on the fact that when I’m not sleep deprived, I actually quite like him.

And then there’s the fact that he hasn’t killed me for being a psycho every night. Really, how many guys can stand to be yelled at every single night by their wife and still somehow like her?

Probably I should hang on to him…and maybe, just maybe, tone down the insanity a bit.

We’ll see about that.


Grumble, Grumble

Sometimes, getting through a single day is enough of a work-out and brain teaser without adding into the mix the crazy mood swings of pregnancy. But when those hormones start flipping out, so do I, and today has so far been…

Well, I threatened several times to turn Clint into Mr. Potato Head. Which would be fairly normal, except that I wasn’t kidding. There were two more potato plants in the garden (blue potatoes, an experiment by a family member that didn’t work out very well), and I was supposed to dig them up ages ago.

Of course, I didn’t. And so today, Clint asked me (again) to pull the blue potatoes. At which point all the threats and grumbling started. Clint, in his infinite wisdom, took off to go do some kind of project that involved getting to listen to his iPod and drown me out.

Good plan.

I yelled at Mr. E. Not just trying to get his attention, either, but actual, angry, frustrated, I’d heard way too much crying yelling.

For goodness sake, he’s not even two yet. What is my problem?

Oh, right. Pregnant.

I didn’t have my normal pot of coffee this morning, and I had to drive 30 miles to go to the grocery store with a caffeine headache, and…and…


That pretty much sums it up. And that’s ridiculous, because it’s not like I’m having the worst day ever or anything. I almost wish I was (so totally kidding, really, I don’t need that right now) just so I’d have a good explanation for why I’m so angry, weepy, irritated, and just plain worn out.

Although, right at the moment, I feel great. Possibly due to the huge mug of coffee I’m working on, or that E is down for a nap and isn’t fussy-facing at me, or because Clint is outside working when I’m not (I did at least dig the potatoes up…there were a whopping TWO of them).

Guess I’ll take advantage of the momentary peace and go outside and enjoy my coffee in the sunshine.


Failure to…Domesticate

This morning, I’m finally admitting to myself that I am not now, and never will be, a domestic diva. Much as I actually hate that term, it’s still a little bit of a sad realization. I’m a stay-at-home mom, I have time, I have all the supplies I need (you know, two hands, imagination, Magic Erasers).

Why am I no good at this?

It’s not that I don’t know how to clean. And believe me, there are people out there who just. Don’t. Know. How.

Really. You give them a simple task like ‘clean the bathroom’, and four hours later, they come back and say “Ok, all clean!” and when you go look, there’s hair in the sink still, and the bath tub ring is still firmly in place.

Nope, I definitely know how to clean. I know what needs to be done, and I know what to use to get it done.

I just…I don’t get it done.

My entertainment center (ok, fine, glorified TV stand) is this dark wood and dark glass contraption that attracts dust the way a white T-shirt attracts spaghetti sauce. With the exception of the Wii, all of the electronical devices (yes, electronical! Shh!) that live on the shelves are black. At least, beneath the layer of dust, I think they’re black. Right now they’re kind of more…gray. If I don’t dust them, and the rest of the stand, every two days, it’s…bad. Very bad.

I haven’t dusted it in about a month.

No immediate plans to dust, either. Possibly I’ll do it before Christmas.

Laundry intimidates me, and that’s the chore I don’t really mind. It starts piling up, and I notice, and then I forget. I’m not sure at this point if I actually, honestly do forget about it, or if I just “forget” because I don’t want to separate colors from whites and carry baskets down and up the stairs (washing machine) and then out to the garage (dryer).

I can’t sew. I hope and pray that neither of my children ever need for me to make them any kind of costume for a school play or something, because I’ll just have to beg and bribe someone else to do it. I can thread a needle, but from there, it’s all a disaster.

I’m not great with money, although I’d say this is probably one of my better areas, if I’m focused.

Which I’m generally not. I get to looking out the window and see a pretty little bird, or I sneeze and lose all track of whatever I was doing just a moment before.

It’s kinda rough, being me…

Cooking is probably the worst. Not baking, mind you- cooking. Selecting ingredients, preparing them, putting them in a pan, whipping up a delicious meal…

The hell with it, I hate it. I don’t know the first thing about ‘whipping up a delicious meal’. And I really don’t care.

Ok, yeah yeah, I gotta feed my family, and probably they’re going to get really tired of pasta and hamburgers and chicken at some point. Maybe, if they all file several complaints, I’ll take their pleas for real food into consideration some day.

I just had a very brief, very bad idea- setting up a suggestion box for our home. Not just for me, of course, I’d have suggestions for Clint, too. But you know, we’re both too young to die. No suggestions.

There’s bound to be something I’m good at around here. Oh! I know! I can vacuum really well…

Yeah, that sort of doesn’t count. Vacuuming is not a skill.

Well, I’ll think on it. I’ll find something…probably…

Man, I Hate Women

The other day, I came across an article in a local newspaper that had me…stumped. And irritated. First of all, and perhaps most annoying, is that I was told that it was only a rough draft. I have no idea why the news paper made a rough draft available to the critical public (like myself). However, even as a rough draft, the article itself was completely ridiculous.

Unfortunately for you all, I won’t give away anything about the article that could tell anyone exactly where I live. Er, sorry about that. Kind of.

I will tell you the basic premises of said ridiculous article.

Men want to be with strong, intelligent, independent women so that they can let those women occasionally play stupid and ask for help when they don’t need it, thereby making men feel like super heroes.


No, really, WHAT?

I think- and this could be way off the mark because the whole thing was such a contradiction- but I think that what she was getting at is that men, all on their own, are too dim-witted to realize when a woman is purposely playing helpless or dumb, and so it’s ok for us girls to do that to them from time to time. You know, because men need to feel needed.

Of all the bull crap sexist STUPID things to say, she thinks it’s a really great idea for us strong, intelligent, independent women to occasionally ACT like we can’t, say, open a jar all by ourselves. Because it makes a guy feel big and strong and manly if we can’t open a jar all by ourselves.

What bothers me about this…quite aside from the attitude of the writer, that is…

It’s like this woman is saying that women really don’t need men at all. Because men are inferior?

The more I think about that article, the more irritated I get. Because you know what? I need my husband. Yeah, ok, sometimes I need his help to open a damned jar. Sometimes I need his help to lift something heavy.

More than that, I need him because he is my other half, and without him, life feels meaningless.

I didn’t get married just so that I could have someone to put down, someone to treat like a moron, someone to fool into thinking they are necessary in my life when they really aren’t.

I got married because I wanted to spend my life with this man, to be PARTNERS, and EQUALS, and to help EACH OTHER.

And if you were to ask him if he’d feel like a ‘super hero’ if I would just let him do things that I could really do myself, he would laugh in your face.

Back to the article…

If you are a strong, intelligent, independent woman who is with a man who feels like you don’t need him, then there is something missing from your relationship, and it is NOT due to a lack of having him open pickle jars.

If you are truly a strong, intelligent, and independent woman, then you should have the sense to realize that men don’t want to be treated like they’re stupid, and they don’t want you to pretend to need them if you don’t.

On the flip side of this, if the man you’re with is worth anything, he’s not going to let you get by with pretending to be helpless (at least not very often). If you ask me, a man who is truly a ‘super hero’ is one who never fails to help you when you truly need him to, but isn’t afraid to make you try your best to do things all by your big-girl self.

Isn’t that how it should be?

Women like to feel like they are needed, too, don’t they? How angry would we be to find out men have been only pretending that they need us to listen when they’ve had a rough day? How would WE like to have our guy pretend to open up to us, and then find out later he was just full of B.S?

Hmm, yeah. That would go over SO well.

I guess the biggest issue with all this is…why can’t a man and a woman have a relationship without SOMEBODY feeling like they have to play some kind of game? Without one or more people involved thinking it’s acceptable to be SUPERIOR to their spouse/partner/significant other?

And why does it seem to me like more and more often, it is WOMEN playing the most games and WOMEN treating guys like they’re idiots?



Round 2/That’s Not What I Meant…!

If you saw my last post, you’ll know that my husband and I are pregnant!

…well, he’s not, obviously, but then again, he is, because I am, and if I’m going to suffer, by golly, so is he.

Except that so far, my best friend seems to be having all the sympathy pains/symptoms instead of Clint. Guess we know who loves me more, eh (tee hee)?

At any rate, there ought to be a tiny little bundle of joy arriving in approximately eight to nine months. That’s the important thing.

Also important to note here is that God has answered two of my prayers in the form of giving me a child. Well, make that two children now. The first time, I had been praying for a baby for a few years. I didn’t think I could have kids, though I never confirmed that (apparently) with a doctor or anything. I was just assuming, since I’ve heard that when you’re trying for a baby, if it doesn’t happen after a year, you should get checked out- you and your other half, both.

Imagine my surprise when I finally discovered I was pregnant! Woo-hoo! I cried because I was so happy.

So there was one answered prayer.

Now, you’ll remember (or you won’t, whichever) when I was freaking out back in May about the river rafting/camping trip I was to go on (and did go on, a couple weeks ago). At the time I wrote the post on here, my Number One issue was that I would be accompanied by that monthly visitor that plagues women everywhere and shows up when it’s least convenient.

Who wants to be out in the wilderness, using a metal box with a toilet seat attached, no discreet trash can available, for five days and four nights, when they’re on their period?

…Any takers?

Yeah, I didn’t much care for that prospect myself. And so, in one of those realization/aw, crap/please no sort of moments, a quick and silly prayer ran through my mind- “Oh God, please don’t let me have my period during this trip, that just sounds like embarrassment waiting to happen!”

And I thought no more about it, really.

Weh-heh-hell! (That’s ‘well’ drawn out in a “joke’s on me” sort of tone, if you didn’t catch that…)

I had been worried for nothing, as it turned out. The trip down the river was as much fun for me as for everyone else, and it wasn’t until I got home that I stopped to consider WHY it had gone so smoothly.

Possibility #1 seemed most likely: I was losing weight in a fairly rapid fashion, and so maybe my body was in freak-out mode. Yeah, that sounded logical and plausible. I liked that one.

Possibility #2: God had taken me up on my hasty, barely remembered prayer, and things would get back to normal in a couple of days. Yeah, that could’ve been it.

Possibility # 3: God had taken me up on my hasty, barely remembered prayer, and I was pregnant. Ha ha, effective and all, but really?

And then until last Saturday, I put it all out of my mind. You wouldn’t think that would be as easy as it was, would you? Not knowing for sure? Yeah, well, in Clint’s and my marriage, there’ve been a handful of times we both thought for sure I was pregnant, only to be bummed when we found out I wasn’t. So instead of getting our hopes up, or rather, instead of wasting precious time worrying, we did what we do best with worrisome issues…we ignored it until we couldn’t anymore.

We were spending the weekend at Clint’s grandma’s cabin, with his grandma, and his uncle, and his mom. And our kiddo, of course, and a dog. Friday evening, the three of us women took the munchkin for a walk in his stroller, and as we were heading cabin-ward, which also happened to be uphill, which also happened to be in a still-too-hot part of the day, I started feeling pretty dizzy.

I thought, “Dang, I hate climbing hills. Maybe I just won’t push it so hard. Stupid heat. Stupid bugs. Stupid me, not drinking more water.”

And then I was fine.

The next morning, after coffee and breakfast had been consumed, and the cabin got nice and quiet for the little one’s nap, I sprawled on the couch to doze for a little while. A few minutes after I’d closed my eyes, I felt like I’d been drinking for hours and was having bed-spins and I was pretty sure breakfast was going to come back to haunt me.

When the dizziness and nausea didn’t go away after a few more minutes, I gave up on sleep and got up. Still queasy. Roasting. Sweating, in fact, and it wasn’t even all that warm in the cabin. Not dizzy once I stood up, though.

I told Clint about the episode, and he insisted on getting me a pregnancy test as soon as we were back in town the next day.

I assume we all know how that turned out.

Oh, yeah- Note to God: That’s not what I meant! But I trust your judgment. If you think we can survive another kid, we’ll give it a whirl.


Notes on Marital Bliss

I am madly in love with my husband.

Sometimes, I think I must be mad to love my husband, and sometimes, I’m mad, but I love my husband.

Poor Clint. I’m pretty certain that I drive him insane, and not necessarily in that ‘newly-in-love, gotta-be-near-you’ special kind of way.

This morning, with an audience of Clint’s mom, our son, and a cat or two and maybe a dog, Clint and I yelled at each other. He was trying to collect himself to head out the door for work, and I was sweeping up cat food that I forgot to pick up off the floor and the baby spilled everywhere.

I was in the way.

Clint was in the way.

It’s a very small house, so basically, if we are in the same room together, we’re both in the other person’s way. And man oh man can that get frustrating…apparently to the point where we have a little yelling match in front of the entire household.

Sorry about that, Mom, E, Izzy, Georgie, and Sage. It’s just how Clint and I roll.

We yell.

Actually, I’m usually the one doing the yelling, and Clint snaps or snipes or bowls me over with sarcasm.

It’s a helluva system, but it works for us. Not that Clint would agree with me on that…in fact, Clint doesn’t agree with me on much.

We have an old wooden bench that was found in the shed here and I thought it would be a nice addition to our front yard, if only it were to be painted purple. Clint thinks it would be a nice addition to the yard if only it were NOT painted purple.

So what’s going to happen here? What’s the solution to this little problem?

I’m totally going to paint it purple, and whenever I sit down on it, I’m going to smile slyly to myself and think, “Yes! I WIN!”

…Clint, on the other hand, may one day ‘accidentally’ set fire to it.

Last night, at ohhh, about 10:30 or maybe a bit later, I was cutting Clint’s hair. Due to the fact that he had asked me to do so much earlier in the evening and I completely forgot about it until bed time, Clint was…very deliberately…being a severe pain in the you-know-where. Not holding still, turning his head side to side, leaning forward too far, doing the Hokey-Pokey (yes, he absolutely did).

I say he’s lucky he’s got any hair left at all. He says I should have done the damn hair cut when he asked me to. I say I’ll never cut his hair again and he can go pay 15 bucks or whatever to have someone else do it. He says he’ll just never get another hair cut again.

When I say, “What?” I really, really enunciate that T. “WhaTT?” It annoys Clint something awful, but it’s just how I say it. My whole family says it that way. Even my three-year-old niece says “whaTT?”

When I say, “aggravating”, I tend to really spit out that G. Clint says, “It’s like you put a K at the end! ‘Aggravatingk’! STOP IT!”

Clint says “nucular” just to try my patience, so we’re even.

Clint likes to tell me that I need to weed the garden (he’s right). If I actually listen and go weed the garden when E is down for a nap, Clint will come out to ‘supervise’, and then later, he’ll bring the baby out and inform me that the baby is awake, and so I never get very far with the weeds. I can’t pull weeds AND watch the baby and make sure he’s not like, eating the weeds I just pulled.

I forget EVERYTHING, but most particularly, I forget important information that Clint relays to me.

It makes life more difficult for everyone involved, but I can’t help it. At least, I don’t THINK I can help it. I’ve tried writing myself notes, making lists, all kinds of things, and I still can’t seem to remember that Clint told me he needs…his hair cut, for instance.

Or to pay the phone bill.

Or that he needs his work pants washed.

I’m pretty sure I’m ruining his life, truth be told. Because without me, he would just do these things himself, and lo and behold, they’d actually get DONE. Unlike when I do (not do) them.

You know, I’m not really sure how we’ve managed to get this far in our marriage without one of us getting strangled…or poisoned…or smothered by a pillow in our sleep.

Isn’t marriage fun?



Marital Discord and Flowers

Yesterday, I embarked on the project of digging a new flower bed in the front yard. Well, technically, it’s the side yard…the north side of the house, on which there is no door, but it LOOKS like a front yard to me.

I digress. Already.

So, about a month ago, I purchased some flowers at Walmart to put into this flower bed that had not yet been created. Forget-me-nots and two hostas. They sat on the porch, growing and growing and growing, the last few weeks. And Clint, my loving, lovely, wonderful husband, reminded me daily (almost) that I should probably get them planted before they got too big and just up and died for lack of space.

He was so right, of course, and that’s annoying. I hate when he’s right, and he’s right a LOT. The bum.

Anyway, I was putting off the planting of my plants because I had the idea for the flower bed in my head, and it was going to be a lot of work; I wanted a half-circle, up against the front (side, whatever) fence, spanning four fence posts, and encompassing a rotting stump. I was going to place an old metal wash tub on top of the stump to plant MORE flowers in, if I ever got my original project finished.

There was a lot of grass to dig up before any of this could be accomplished. Nice grass. Crab grass. Weeds. Stuff that didn’t want to come out of the ground. I also wanted to install that black plastic garden-edging stuff.

See? Kind of a big project for someone with not a lot of time…ok, well, I DO have a lot of time, which is why I am able to think so often on my projects…

I digress again.

I installed the edging yesterday morning. I dug up the grass around the flower bed area, from one post to the stump, from the stump to the next post. I put the edging in and filled in with dirt. I dug and turned more dirt and pulled grass and dug and turned dirt and grass and set rocks for a path and planted half the flowers and dug and turned MORE STINKING DIRT…

Clint came home from an all-day trip into town, and stood on the porch to watch me digging and turning more and more dirt.

And he said:

“You DO know we have a tiller, right?”

There are moments in a marriage where one spouse wishes that there were no witnesses within a hundred miles so that they could maim KILL the other spouse.

Clint knew about my plans for digging the stupid flower bed for nearly a month…a MONTH! And he waits until I’m nearly finished, until I’m sweating buckets and my back is on the verge of going out and my hands and face are dirty and I’m tired and getting dizzy from so much work….

Look at me, the little Drama Queen.

Seriously though, moments like that are what make a marriage…er…special, unique…

Anyway, here’s how the project turned out, and then some…


Hmm, a tiller would’ve gotten this done a LOT faster…

The last one was so much fun to dig, I thought I’d do another one. Think I’ll try and fix that corner post and plant a bunch of bulbs once I get the grass out.

The very first flower bed I dug up…as you can see I didn’t bother pulling much grass out.

Mommy Overload in 10…9…8…

I’m having difficulty finding some kind of a balance between being a mom, being a wifey-poo, and being just a normal human being.

I don’t mean to imply that moms and wives are NOT humans, because we are (although by the end of the day, or sometimes first thing in the morning, or when we’re telling a child ‘NO HITTING’ or ‘NO BITING’ for the hundredth time in an hour, we may not FEEL particularly human). What I mean is, I feel like there are three different, yet not entirely separate, parts of myself that make up Cristen, and those three different, yet not entirely separate, parts of myself don’t always work together very well.

My ‘mommy’ self wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30 each morning to take care of a baby.

My ‘wife’ self wants to wake up between 8:30 and 9:30 each morning and drink coffee sitting outside in the morning sun and admiring the unfinished garden projects, while plotting what kind of honey-do’s I could throw at Clint that day.

My ‘Cristen’ self wants to be going to SLEEP at 6:30 in the morning, after having spent the entire night all by myself, reading or playing Harvest Moon or watching Pride and Prejudice.

By the same token, my ‘mommy’ self falls asleep mentally precisely at 10:00 each night, while the ‘wife’ part of me is at least somewhat awake for another hour, and the ‘me’ part of me tosses and turns until five a.m.

You can see how conflicted I am.

Most of my day is spent in mommy-mode. From the time E wakes up until his first nap at about nine, I’m Mama. From the time he wakes up about an hour later until his afternoon nap around 1:30, I’m Mama. From about four o’clock when he wakes up til 8:00 when he goes to bed, I’m Mama. During his awake hours, I have a really hard time having a conversation with anyone about anything that doesn’t directly involve my child, and while I feel kind of bad about that, I can’t help it. Believe me, I’ve tried.

At 8:00 when E goes to bed, I try really hard to switch into wife-mode. I cook dinner, and try to spend time with Clint, but I’m pretty sure my attempts fail and I mostly only accomplish a whole new persona- ‘vegetable’. I think this is what happens while my brain tries to wrap itself around the concept of not being in mommy-mode and trying to remember what the heck wife-mode is even all about.

The ‘Cristen’ part of me spends a lot of time being ignored. You know, the part of me that would much rather be soaking in the tub for an hour than chasing a child or making sure my husband is fed.

Not that he is incapable of feeding himself…I just don’t like him rifling through the kitchen and leaving cupboards open or condiments on the counter. In fact, it’s probably better for my sanity if he just avoids the kitchen altogether.

There’s a little bit of the wife part of me sneaking out…

I actually do really love being a mom, much as it sometimes sounds otherwise. I don’t really mind all that much that E is the main thing I think about during my day (because he’s pretty darned cute, if I do say so myself). I really enjoy just hanging out with him as he explores the house and figures out how to say/do new things.

But for the sake of the people around me, it would be nice to find a balance, so that I can talk about something besides E’s new teeth. Or his sleeping habits. Or his smelly diapers.

Yesterday, one of my mommy friends posted on facebook, “Adult time!” and I thought, “Ooh, what is THAT? It sounds wonderful!”

I’ve not been away from my son for more than a few hours since he was born a little over 15 months ago. Probably that’s why I’m feeling like this, and probably that means it’s time to get away. Bring on that rafting trip that I was dreading a few weeks ago!

…Get me outta here!

Picture Time(line)!

I’ve been waiting very impatiently to get decent internet out here in the sticks, mainly so I could post photos. Well, we’ve had decent internet for close to a month now, and have I posted any photos? No.

So now I’m posting too many all at once. Yay me!

Well, better late than never.

Exactly 1 week before we found out I was pregnant; celebrating the end of one chapter of our lives, Clint's electrician's apprenticeship. No idea we were about to begin another!

The baby shower! Our little E joined us just three weeks later.

Twelve hours of labor, then C-section, then mercifully knocked out, and FINALLY I got to hold our sweet little stranger.

E's first or second full day at home with us.

Around one week old. I don't look anywhere near as terrified as I felt.

Clint caught me sleep-mothering.

And then I caught Clint sleep-snuggling.

And then suddenly, E was magically four months old (no idea what happened to the first three months of photos)!

First time outside NOT strapped into a seat of some kind.

Visiting grandma was just too overwhelming...

Ninja style!

Some of our garden veggies from our first ever attempt at growing stuff! It was so tasty.










As a parent, I'm learning that sometimes there are just no words, so...

After the craziness of growing both veggies and a baby, we all needed a break before winter hit, so off to the mountains we went.











The return trip from the cabin was apparently too much for our eight-month old. Guess we shouldn't have let him drive...

The best part of our discovery of geocaching- neat little out-of-the-way scenic places.











Learning how to sit himself up!

Sneaking up on racoons while they are eating...really torques their turkey(s). This one was in my neighbor's yard. He made some pretty angry sounds at me until I got scared and walked away.












Ten months old is too young to care about Christmas, but E really loved crawling under the tree.

One year old! He wasn't a fan of the cake, but he really liked flinging the crumbs onto Grandma's floor.













Books are E's favorite thing, which means me and Daddy are doing something right!

Clint let me redecorate the bedroom as a gift to me for surviving my first year of being a parent đŸ˜€ It needs some tweaking, but the black cat shedding all over the white comforter is a nice touch, I think.

















Ta-da! The End!

Yes, I Eat Bon-Bons All Day

I’ve been sitting here alternating between staring at a blank page and playing Angry Birds on Facebook (amusing, horrible, stupid game that it is), and trying to think of something, ANYTHING (please God send me an idea) to write a post about. The trouble is, I keep on looking at my life as from an outsider’s perspective, and nearly falling asleep out of boredom.

And I keep telling myself, Wow, I don’t DO anything.

And that’s just…a lie. Really.

I wake up in the morning around seven, sometimes because I’m just used to it by now, but usually because there’s a tiny little munchkin in the next room who is jumping in his crib and wants some breakfast. And so, sympathetic as I am to hungry baby tummies, I shuffle and stumble around in a zombie-like fashion and get my child some breakfast. If I’m lucky, my eyes are even open. If I’m not lucky, I try to start the coffee a-percolating without adding any water.

Don’t. Do. That.

E and I spend a few minutes having a mostly one-sided conversation as I make valiant attempts to wake up and feel like a human being. I mumble strange things at him as he drinks his milk from his sippy-cup or throws his cereal on the floor, and occasionally he graces me with a response like, “Pthhbbbbbt” or “ah-nanana-dat”.

Babies are so mysterious.

After a lot of coffee on my part, and a cup of milk, a cup of juice, and most of a Baby Einstein video on the baby’s part, E and I can tolerate each other better. Meaning, I don’t resent him for waking up before noon once I’m WIDE awake, and he doesn’t resent me for being so slow about getting his breakfast once he’s got a full tummy.

We have a system, and it works for us.

We play. We irritate each other. He wants to terrorize whichever cat is stupid enough to lay down on the floor near him, and I tell him no. He insists. I insist. The cat realizes it is about to lose a chunk of fur or an ear or a tail and skedaddles. E screams, and I sometimes feel like joining in.

And then I scoop him up off the floor and he lays his head on my shoulder and I sing a silly song and he sometimes tries to sing, too. All is right with the world, and it’s only 8:30 and the day suddenly seems very long.

On a good, productive sort of day, I clean the house while E crawls around and pulls Tupperware off a low shelf to use as drums and then I clean some more while he’s having a short morning nap.

On a bad, lazy day, I beat up the Tupperware, too, and then I spend too much time either on the phone or playing Angry Birds or watching HGTV, or all three.

I think the day must seem to be starting all over again for E after his nap. It’s almost identical to morning; food and drink, Baby Einstein for a few minutes, yelling at me to hurry it up and feed/change/play with him. He’s just a little guy- time means nothing to him (as I have learned and re-learned with each of the Daylight Savings Time changes E has lived through).

In the afternoons, I try to make sure I teach E something. Anything. A new game, a new word, whatever.

I usually feel like he’s paying no attention to me whatsoever, unless he’s trying to tear my glasses off my face. Other days, I give up and say something like, “Okay then, go find Elmo and stop abusing Mommy”, and guess what? He knows his Elmo doll. He actually turns around on his little diapered bottom and crawls over to where Elmo is at on the floor amongst the other toys.

He knows what a monkey is, and the toy monkeys he has, he will find and pick up on command. “Can you get a monkey, squirrelly-boo?”

Yes, yes he can.

Spoons, shoes, Elmo, monkeys, cups, he knows the difference. Pillows, not so much. “Find a pillow, buddy!”

No dice.

An afternoon nap should mean more cleaning, or at least something productive on my end. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. And again the day starts brand-new (at least I think it does) for the baby (who is not so much baby as toddler these days, but I don’t want to accept that just yet).

We have a game that we play on the couch, where I sit at one end with one leg up on the edge, holding E in a standing position, facing me. Every time I get set up this way with him, he gets a huge smile on his face and starts shaking both of his hands (sort of like waving) at me. This means, “Shake me up and let me fall backwards on the pillow!”

…not that he knows the words for that.

So, I shake him up (gently!) and let go and he plops onto the pillow behind him and he giggles in that way that only babies can, and we repeat the process.

For like, EVER.

At least, until he sits up and tries to throw himself off the sofa, face first, and I catch him and set him on the floor. Much like a wind-up toy, he takes off.

We practice the words he already knows, and I try SO hard to teach him new ones. One of these days, he’ll just start saying something out of the blue, and it probably won’t even be one of the words I’m trying to teach him.

I would not be at all shocked to hear him suddenly say, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”.

Alright, I would.

Sometimes I manage to cook dinner for Clint and myself before E’s bedtime, so that we can eat as a family. Usually, the only way I can concentrate on cooking is if I feed and put E to bed first. He waves “bye-bye, night-night” at his daddy, and he clings to me under the pretense of a sweet little baby hug, and most of the time (given his gums aren’t killing him), he goes right to sleep. Occasionally, he protests for quite a while before giving in. Some nights, I hear a lot of movement from his room and I lie in bed with my eyes shut tight and the blanket over my head thinking, “please don’t wake up please don’t wake up please don’t wake up”.

Babies, as every parent knows, will do exactly as they please.

I am exhausted by 10:30 every night. Sometimes, judging by the state of the house, Clint wonders why. Oh, hell, sometimes I wonder why, too. It’s not like I accomplish a whole lot all the time, it’s not like I’ve been working hard all day long. You’d think I’d have more energy at the end of the day.

I think that a lot of people under-estimate the amount of energy that is required just to care for a child; care for– that doesn’t even include all the chasing around of the kiddo that goes on, or any of the other things around the house that (may or may not) get done. I think that it’s possible that a large percentage of people don’t really consider stay-at-home moms to be doing much of anything, really.

I’m not one of those women who insist that moms have THE most important job in the world, nor do I think that stay-at-home moms are exactly under-appreciated or forgotten. The moment a person starts insisting that they are super important and should receive thanks for every little thing they do is the moment a person becomes obnoxious and arrogant and self-pitying…if they weren’t that way already.

I also don’t think that what I (what a hell of a lot of women) do is unimportant, nor do I think that stay-at-home moms are exactly recognized very much for the job they do- raising children, caring for their family. I don’t like the stereo-typical image of a homemaker lounging on the sofa, eating junk and watching soap operas.

Sometimes that stereo-type is spot on, and I make no apologies for taking breaks when I can get them.

Mothers and wives who stay at home to take care of their families are nothing to laugh at, and nothing to worship. We’re just people, doing the best we can at our jobs like most of the rest of the world. We have good days, bad days, and everything in between, just like everyone else. And we’ve got as much right as anyone with a full-time nine-to-five job to be tired at the end of the day, so if you ask me WHY I’m tired when I’ve got a sink full of dishes and the trash should have been taken out yesterday, do me the courtesy of not taking it too personally when I bite your head off.

Better yet, watch my kiddo for me so I can take a nap.