On a More Ridiculous Note…

I have yet to post here anything much about me, and although I find it to be irritating when I come across a blog that is nothing but “me, me, me and more me”, I thought I’d like to try it out. Just once, you know, to see if I’m really as dull as I have always suspected.

I’m not even really sure how to go about this.

Like, do I just jump right in? Ok, we’ll do that.

I once had a pet turtle, it was given to me by a friend for my 16th birthday. Because she knew I liked turtles, she thought this would be a good idea. Come to find out, turtles are smelly critters and they’re awfully slimy and a little bit icky. However, I loved him/her. Not quite enough, apparently, as my affections did not stretch far enough to feeding it the gold fish that it was supposed to eat.

I didn’t know that turtles could not live on turtle food alone.

So one day, I was sitting on my bed reading, and I thought, Oh! I bet Turtle (I had named him/her, but I can’t remember what it was I named him/her now) would like a swim in the bath tub.

And so I prepared to let it have a swim in the bath tub, a fairly regular occurance that I now realize my mom was probably not particularly enthusiastic about.

When I reached down to collect Turtle, I felt something was wrong. He/she wasn’t moving at all. In fact, he/she was wedged sideways between the wall of his/her tank and a rock (stuck between a rock and a hard place, no less), and his/her head was drooping down into the water. Turtle did not cringe away from me as he/she normally did. Upon lifting Turtle, his/her head remained limp, and although this sounds frightful, I gave him/her a little shake….causing limp head and legs to quiver in a pretty disturbing manner.

Turtle had committed suicide.

The gold fish, on the other hand, the ones that my friend had presented me with along with the turtle, were still thriving. In fact, 3 of the original 4 still live at my mother’s house, 10 years later.

I can’t eat sea food. Is that a rather tactless way to change the subject? It’s not like people eat turtles, though…or do they? Probably they do, somewhere. I find that offensive for reasons I will not go into now.

As I was saying, no fish, shrimp, oysters, crab, lobster, or squid for me, thanks. The smell of it makes me gag. The sight of crab legs, even frozen ones, makes me race for the nearest vomit-receptacle. Too much information? Sorry.

Speaking of fish, my best friend (who shall remain nameless) is afraid of them. Just putting that out there.

I have a strange obsession with painting glass objects. Clear bores me. I have, however, refrained from painting our drinking glasses, due to the fact that it would be weirder than even I’m prepared to be.

I read Twilight, Harry Potter, Jane Austen novels, the Bible, the news paper, self-help books, crappy romance, sci-fi, and comic books. I go through two, sometimes three books a week, and I re-read most things…dozens of times over. I have a fear of new books. Sometimes I get past this fear, sometimes I don’t.

I firmly believe that breeding an army of fanged ducks, and training them to be search-and-destroy ducks, would be a fabulous way to begin taking over the world. At one point, there were 144 rubber duckies in my house.

I have since unloaded them onto my sister, for my niece to play with. My sister has since gotten sick to death of picking up over 100 rubber duckies, and has unloaded them onto my mother for my niece to play with when she visits. My mother is currently in the process of trying to convince me that I should take back the ducks for my son to play with.

I give vague responses to any suggestion that I should have anything further to do with the ducks, and to date, I haven’t gotten stuck with them again.

Aaaand….that’s my limit, right there. Until next time…

Beware the invisible monkee on the sidewalk!