WHAM! Out of Nowhere!

I hate…HATE…when people from my past pop up out of the blue and start yelling at me, especially when I have no idea why.

I logged on to facebook earlier, and saw that I had a new message. I clicked on it, thinking it was probably my sister, but it wasn’t. It turned out to be someone I was friends with a few years back, someone who I ended up NOT being friends with thanks to a ton of drama that I won’t bore you with.

He informed me that I needed to stop telling his wife things she didn’t need to hear about him.

And that makes perfect sense, I have no business whatsoever contacting this woman and stirring up trouble in their marriage.

The thing is, however…

First of all, last I spoke to this guy, he wasn’t even dating anyone, let alone married. I haven’t heard from him, I haven’t contacted him, I haven’t so much as THOUGHT of him in ages and ages and ages…how was I supposed to know he got married? And how should I even know WHO he married?

I don’t. That’s the fun part of this. Not a clue who his wife is.

And yet, for some reason (one that I’m particularly interested to find out, although I’m not going to push the issue), this guy is convinced that I was the one who wrote (did he mean online? a letter? a text message? Sure wish he’d clarify…) to his wife and passed along what apparently are deep, dark secrets about him.

I keep laughing as I think this all over, because it’s so…dumb. I replied to his accusations, calmly and truthfully, stating that not only did I not do whatever he thinks I did, I don’t even have the time to go causing problems for someone I couldn’t care less about at this point in time.

I have a husband and child and home to care for, plus at least half a dozen projects outside that desperately need my attention, plus a brand new diet/exercise adventure I’ve embarked on, cats to pester, upcoming mini-vacation to think about, naps to take…


Of course, this also brings up a couple questions in my mind…for instance, since I know that I didn’t write/say anything to this unknown woman, who did?

And who blamed it on me?

More importantly, what ever happened to my favorite pair of fuzzy striped socks?