A Welcome, and A Welcome Surprise…

First of all, I’ve been too busy (lazy) and too hot (lazy) for blogging here recently, and this won’t even be a proper post, so I’m sorry. I’m sure I’ll get back to it if the mid-day temperatures stop being above 100 degrees. And if the temperature inside my house drops below 85 again.

Anyway, two important things today:

1. My very bestest, best friend in the world started a blog on here! She’s a mother of three boys, two dogs, and a husband (yes, I said that the way I meant it), and I don’t know that I’ve ever met anyone who has as bad of luck as she does on a daily basis. She decided maybe she should write about it, because (while I absolutely sympathize with her) it’s kind of hilarious. She’s never done much writing before, so if some of you want to stop by her page and give her some encouragement and feedback, you can find her here:


2. I took two tests the other day, one to check, and the other to confirm, and here are the results-

No way they’re both wrong, I suppose…

I still have to get in to see a doctor, but as far as I can figure, we’re looking forward to another February baby. And yes, I am in fact reeeeally hoping for a baby girl this time.

Woo hoo!

More about that next time. See you then!